Monday, December 7, 2009

The Month Ahead For Each Sign!

By Aphrodette North

This Full Moon, your ruler, Mars is in Leo and forming a triple opposition to Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune - all in Aquarius! This is a great time to give inspired gifts to yourself as well as others. You will find yourself naturally attracted to items that encourage a sense of luminosity to body, mind or spirit! At New Moon, your ruler is still in Leo and now if forming a beautiful triple trine to Venus, the Sun and Moon - all in Sagittarius as it maintains its opposition to Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune! This is a time of profound optimism and joy. Good health, good cheer and lighthearted entertainment are sure to be yours! Shine it on! On the Blue Moon, both, your ruler, Mars, and Mercury the communicator of the zodiac are now retrograde! Your Mars in Leo forms a quincunx to both retrograde Mercury in Capricorn and the Head of the Dragon, reflecting that you may have regrets because time did not allow you to contact or see everyone you would have liked to. Luckily, Mars is still in opposition to the Aquarian parade and technology will come to your aid to set things straight!

Your ruler, Venus, arrived in Sagittarius just in time for this Full Moon and is forming a sweet sextile to Saturn in Libra. Time to get into the swing of the holiday season, embracing peace and good cheer! At New Moon, Venus is kissing the Lights in Sagittarius and forming a dramatic trine to Mars in Leo! Romance is in the air and festivities are underway! Do watch the weather report as Venus is also forming a square to Uranus in Pisces! You could have unexpected precipitation that could cause you to have a smaller gathering. On this Blue Moon in Cancer, Venus and the Sun oppose from the sign of Capricorn. Your ruler also forms a square to Saturn in Libra! Responsibilities regarding children and family may take a front seat to other projected events. Let your conscience be your guide and if you must, bring in the New Year a bit late this year. Expect there to be added security if you are hobnobbing with the politically highlighted or the rich and famous. Airports can be experiencing a slowdown. Check all flight times and reservations twice to save yourself frustration!

On this Full Moon, your ruler, Mercury is in Sagittarius and square to Uranus in Pisces as it forms a triple sextile to Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune all in Aquarius! A sudden epiphany regarding what s healthy, happy and ideal for you is evident. Surprises for good and ill occur in the workplace. At New Moon, your ruler has moved on into Capricorn and making no significant aspects in the lunation chart. Be sure to follow all the rules, laws and keep your word! Thoughts can be quite disciplined now and it is easier for you to evaluate persons and circumstances in your life. On the Eclipse, your ruler is now retrograde in Capricorn as it lines up with the Dragon and forms a quincunx to Mars in Leo - now also retrograde! Your review of past persons and circumstances can really open your eyes. Understanding the strengths and limitations of others will help you to proceed more smoothly this Spring. Your learning process now is deep and long lasting. Journal your insights at this time as you will see them as treasure in February!

Your ruler, the Moon, is Full in Gemini early this month representing a flurry of ideas and activities. Although this cycle is normally one of completion, for you it is more of a continuum to enjoy the upcoming holiday celebrations and catch up with everyone! At New Moon, your ruler is in Sagittarius kissing the Sun and in trine to Mars in Leo as it squares Uranus in Pisces. Love, romance and loyalty abound for you in this cycle! Generosity with gifts and praise is seen! Beware the unexpected in local travel arrangements, unexpected delays of guests and sudden precipitation as you are on your way to gatherings. Unexpected news comes from a sibling or close friend. There can be mixed feelings but profound sharing. On the Blue Moon, your ruler is in Cancer opposing both Venus and the Sun in Capricorn as it forms a square to Saturn in Libra. You will feel a big stretch if you try and make everyone happy simultaneously. No matter where you find yourself - you will wonder if you have made the right choice! Punt and enjoy!

LEO JUL 22 - AUG 22
Your ruler, the Sun, is in enthusiastic Sagittarius opposing the Full Moon in Gemini early this month. Your positive attitude and ability to "WOW" others by your dramatic delivery of your interesting adventures will serve you well. Expect some interesting debates and a variety of persons to be surrounding you. At New Moon, your ruler is in the midst of Venus and the Moon in Sagittarius depicting warm friends and interesting fans. DO go for the limelight as this conjunction forms a fabulous trine to Mars in your sign of Leo! Whether you are addressing a group or huddled in a deep and profound conversation with one person, you will feel a sense of warmth and fulfillment on this Lunation. At Blue Moon, the focus turns to responsibilities and getting organized. Your ruler is in Capricorn conjoining Venus as it opposed the Moon in Cancer. A little tough love and a paring down of expenditures is seen. Love is steady though and others will back up your decisions.

This Full Moon, your ruler, Mercury is in Sagittarius forming a triple sextile to Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune all in Aquarius as it forms a square to Uranus in Pisces! If you have healing gifts you will find yourself very busy dealing with others in spontaneous crisis. If you are one who appreciates massage, energy work and being around kindred spiritual souls, DO take the initiative to treat yourself! Social opportunities can also appear out of nowhere! Enjoy! At New Moon, your ruler is in Capricorn and not forming any major aspects to other planets. The attention regarding getting organized and finishing up on projects is directly on you. Take inventory, make your lists and check them twice before your ruler stations retrograde. Preparation can be a saving grace! At Blue Moon, your ruler is now retrograde in Capricorn as it lines up with the Dragon and forms a quincunx to Mars, now retrograde in Leo. You will feel some disappointments with family and close friends in this cycle. Try to withhold making snap judgments until you get all the facts. Thank me later!

The Full Moon early this month features your ruler, Venus, very new in Sagittarius forming a sweet sextile to Saturn exalted in your sign! Love is fair, responsible, fun and adventuresome in this cycle! Social and romantic interactions benefit you with this Lunation! On the New Moon, your ruler is later in Sagittarius and conjoining the Lights as they form a magnificent trine to Mars in Leo and an outrageous square to Uranus in Pisces! Be the initiator in love and romance. Do NOT be afraid to be spontaneous with those you adore - whether they are pets or people! A full night life with some great dance moves may be in your immediate future! On the Blue Moon, Venus has moved on into Capricorn, a chilly position for Venus that does not complement your Libra Sun. Venus forms a challenging square to Saturn exalted in your sign and opposes the Blue Moon in Cancer. Be fair and balanced when dealing with family members or board meetings. Taking sides without careful consideration is suicide in this cycle!

The first Full Moon this month features Mars in Leo and Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto, your ruling planet of process, is in square to Saturn exalted in Libra. Choose negotiation rather than elimination, regarding contract especially if it is an association of long duration. Mars, your ruling planet of event, is in opposition to the trilogy of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune - all in Aquarius! Take good care of your mental and physical health and be sure to spend time with those who are fond of you and are possibility thinkers! At New Moon, Pluto's positional square to Saturn in Libra encourages you to get advice from experts - some even being at a distance. Mars in Leo trines both Venus and the Lights in Sagittarius calling you to exercise a positive attitude and share your philosophies, as well as your jokes, with others. Traveling can be stressful, so stay local and utilize phone and e-mail as much as possible. On the Blue Moon, Pluto and Venus are close together in the Heavens in Capricorn and in square still to Saturn in Libra. Let someone you love help you with difficult decisions regarding resources. Mars in Leo is now retrograde calling you to consider bravery versus foolhardiness! Minimize risks now.

Happy Solar Return, Sagittarius! This is your month! Your ruler, Jupiter, is in Aquarius all month and still traveling close to both Chiron and Neptune. Although this is a season that speaks of charity and good will, give wisely with both time and money to those causes you favor while this trilogy forms a triple quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon! Because your ruler is also in opposition to Mars in Leo, utilize your generous reputation by being the spokesperson or attending the annual ball! At New Moon, the configuration is still strong as these are planets of process interacting. The parade of Sagittarian planets - so typical of the month of your birth - will help you to remain optimistic, supportive and make necessary exits if you get cornered! At Blue Moon, as Mars retrogrades in opposition to Jupiter, it is import6ant for you to rest on your laurels a bit. You can even receive a certificate of appreciation or a bonus at this time. Hold your ideals high and be friendly to those who surround you! This is a win-win cycle!

Your ruler Saturn is exalted in Libra all month and on the first Full Moon this month is forming a sweet sextile to Venus in early Sagittarius! Plan a trip or escape into your favorite sport or activity while you can! Your ruler is also square to Pluto in your sign - so be sure you have all your obligations in place before you party! At New Moon, your ruler is quiet except for the Plutonian square. Weigh how much freedom you enjoy against the obligations you have put in place. Know that changes in this delicate balance will need time - but still do begin to execute critical changes in this cycle. On the Blue Moon, there is a profound trilogy of the Sun, Venus and Pluto all in your sign! Pluto and Venus are in square to your ruler calling you to aspire to creating what is fair and balanced in your life rather than that which may be too ambitious. Saturn is in square to the Blue Moon in Cancer, depicting the loyalty to family and those you nurture in your world. Do a little less - but make it count!

At Full Moon, your ruler, Uranus, is in Pisces and in square to Mercury in Aquarius! Choose if you wish to be the life of the party or spend a bit of time putting your foot in your mouth! Being the rebel, this may change from moment to moment! At New Moon, your ruler is now in square to Venus and the Lights in Sagittarius as it forms a trine to the Tail of the Dragon! Get fired up for holiday cheer and interaction but also do something consequential for the less than fortunate! You will thank me later! DO avoid ice fishing or other dangerous sports in this cycle. Choose another time to demonstrate your bravery! At Blue Moon, you are really thinking on your feet! Your ruler, Uranus, in Pisces, is in sextile to both the Head of the Dragon and retrograde Mercury. If you have projects underway that have been frustrating, new insights and revelations can help you progress. Form a think tank and enjoy the company as you re-create!

Your ruler, Neptune, is in Aquarius and still traveling close to both Chiron and Jupiter in the Heavens! The first Full Moon Lunation this month reveals an exquisite sextile to Mercury in Sagittarius and this trilogy of planets! It is a time to laugh, embrace camaraderie and enjoy the moments! Mars is opposing this trilogy calling you to be brave about seeking fun and enlightenment. Help the needy - but also help yourself in this cycle! On the New Moon, you may put a little extra in the collection box or show up for the Toys for Tots drive as this is a time that your spiritual side needs to express itself. Dress up as Santa, an elf or just in festive holiday attire! You will love it! At Blue Moon, there is a personal desire to share with family or those who have been with you through the ups and downs of life. Honoring the sincere hearts of others shows the reciprocal force you offer in your quiet moments in reflection. Peace and compassion are powers you possess!

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