Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January Horoscope

January 2010 Horoscope
NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs on January 15, 210 at 02:11:23 AM EST
The Lights are kissing in Capricorn and conjunct both the Head of the Dragon and Venus on
this Solar Eclipse as they join in a sweet sextile to Uranus in Pisces! That which we
identify with and have established will be overshadowed with our desire to be both
parents and children of this orb called Earth. Venus in Capricorn speaks of love in terms
of responsibility. Often tough love is needed to apply discipline to our creative and
intuitive forces. Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn conjoins Pluto as they form a dual
square with Saturn in Libra on the Eclipse. The questions will be raised as to how much
regulation, protection and justice for all can be re-established in this time of
rebirthing - which is upon us!

FULL MOON occurs on January 30, 2010 at 01:17:35 AM EST
This Full Moon in Leo is conjunct retrograde Mars and in opposition to both the Sun and
Venus in Aquarius. The creativity of this cycle is astounding! Art and intellect blend in
ingenious and dramatic ways in this cycle on a Global scale! Personal struggles are seen
between a desire to possess but to maintain our individuality as new opportunities arise.
Lifestyles, relationships and careers will all be under scrutiny to determine if they
illuminate and fulfill our sense of Higher Purpose. Good causes and altruistic aims will
be strongly demonstrated in the media - even in the new video games and dramas that
emerge in this cycle. Be ready for a wild ride filled with sensory overload!

Mercury Retrograde Alert!
Mercury will retrograde in Capricorn on December 26, 2009 at 09:38 AM EST and will
station direct on January 15, 2010 at 11:52 AM EST. During retrograde Mercury in any sign
it is always best to exercise extreme caution in signing contracts, investing in products
or projects and working with detailed plans for the future. With this Mercury retrograde
in Capricorn, going over past projects with a thorough demeanor can allow you to catch
errors and learn some lessons as you do proceed after the retrograde has passed. In tense
conversations or dealing with financial competition or romantic adversaries - retreat is
often an excellent idea! Try to follow all rules, regulations - and even speed limits
whenever possible! Capricorn also rules the bones - more specifically the knees and
ankles - as well as the teeth. If you have has issues with these focal points in the
body, you may find yourself back at the chiropractor or dentist's office!

Mars Stations Retrograde on its scenic tour through Leo!
Mars is going to be in Leo for a very long time! Mars in Leo is sunny, bright, generous
and warm! It will call us to pursue our heart's desire as it stays in the sign of Leo as
long as it can stay in any sign until early summer 2010! Mars made it entrance into Leo
on October 16, 2009 at 11:32 AM and will station retrograde on December 20, 2009 at 08:27
AM EST and will not station direct until March 10, 2010 at 12:47 PM EST. Mars will
complete its tour of Leo on June 7, 2010 at 02:11 AM!

Courage and bravery will infuse each of us in different ways. Purr or roar in this cycle!
You choose! The dramatic arts and appreciation and decoration of heroes in all walks of
life are seen! Be sure to demonstrate your love and loyalty in this rare cycle! Remember
that the sign of the Lion can also be proud, arrogant and ferocious! Know when to pounce
and when to pull your claws back in! Throughout this amazing cycle, Mars will be in and
out of its shadow and you will witness much passive-aggressive behavior in your dealings
with others. Present your creativity with courage but demonstrate your wisdom in knowing
that this is a territorial cycle for many. Try not to step on anyone's tail!

Saturn Retrograde Alert!
Saturn, the Great Teacher of the zodiac, stations retrograde on January 13, 2010 at 10:56
AM EST and will remain so until May 29, 2010 at 02:08 AM. During its retrograde it
remains in square to Pluto in Capricorn. These ponderous planets on a grand scale
indicate much change in legislature, corporate responsibility and the League of Nations.
Litigations that appear in view of the public can suffer from delays and reputations and
liabilities of those in a position of power may be re-examined. A long look back at
history in other recessions and the impact of progress through revolutionary ingenuity is
also seen. Strategies to deal with the war on terror will also be re-established on a
Global scale.

The Month Ahead For Each Sign!
On the Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Mars, is retrograde in Leo and is particularly active
with the asteroids - but not any major planets or luminaries. Mars does form a square to
Pallas Athena and is in a Grand Trine with Ceres in Sagittarius and Juno in your sign. By
wide orb, it opposes, Chiron in Aquarius. Relationships and dialogues with those from
your past can certainly come back to haunt you. During this Eclipse, it will be easier
for you to identify with the lessons learned than to hold others responsible for those
hurts you have not healed. This is a cosmic gift! This Full Moon is conjunct your ruler
as it opposes the Sun and Venus in Aquarius. Honest and loyal communication can flourish
in this cycle.

Your ruler, Venus, is in Capricorn kissing the Head of the Dragon and the Lights and in
sextile to Uranus in Pisces on the Solar Eclipse. Expect to see much poetic justice in
those persons and circumstances that surround you. You will feel a healthy respect for
standards of excellence in products or services. If you have been considering changing
your doctor, dentist or hair stylist you will seek greater response-ability from those
you choose to do business with. At Full Moon, your ruler has moved on into Aquarius and
is kissing the Sun as it opposes both the Leo Moon and Mars retrograde. Blending the
insight of both heart and head is crucial in this cycle. You may want to be admired for
your desirability as well as your wit! Friendships flex with strength now and are the
muscle behind ponderous decisions.

This Solar Eclipse finds your ruler, Mercury, still retrograde until later in the day!
Retrograde Mercury is conjoined to Pluto in Capricorn at the time of the Eclipse and in
square to Saturn, now retrograde in Libra. Expect to get caught up in the analysis of
what is fair and what is not. Expect to think and think again about decisions you have
made in the past that either lacked or demonstrated good judgment. At Full Moon, your
ruler is now direct in Capricorn and lined up with the Head of the Dragon. If you have
been considering taking a stand either personally or professionally, this is a good cycle
to do it. Do not be intimidated by others need for sympathy, but rather stick to the
issues at hand to be victorious. DO follow the rules, laws and even speed limits! If you
fudge, you see the judge!

The Cosmos choosing Venus as your companion as your ruler, the Moon, eclipses the Sun
seems so very just! With so many planets in Capricorn, your opposite sign, this is your
lowest biorhythmic cycle, so you will feel enhanced even if you face security issues by
keeping your allies close. The Moon in Capricorn also forms a sextile to Uranus in Pisces
which can may for pleasant and unexpected surprises and revelations. At Full Moon, your
ruler is in Leo conjoined to retrograde Mars as they both oppose the Sun and Venus in
Aquarius. This is a better time to be the counselor than the hero. Courageous acts are
born of support rather than strategy. Your healing power lies in the clever expression of
your ideas and ideals, It is through concept and wisdom that you make progress now.

LEO JUL 22 - AUG 22
So! Your ruler is Eclipsed. What you will discover is that your identity is undergoing
growth and change. Take a long look at how your concepts regarding emotional
responsiveness and committed love were formed. This is an excellent time for
enlightenment on a more reflective than radiant level. Many pensive revelations are seen
as your ruler, the Sun is in sextile to Uranus in Pisces. At Full Moon, your ruler is
kissing Venus in Aquarius as it opposes both the Moon and retrograde Mars in your sign.
Rest on any decision to commit either in relationship or career opportunity as the cost
of losing your independence may be a bit high. It is wise to keep and escape hatch open
in this cycle. DO be warm and interested and even profound - but be sure to keep others
guessing just a little!

On this Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Mercury, is retrograde in Capricorn, kissing Pluto and
in square to retrograde Saturn in Libra. This is the perfect time to consider the many
mentors that have been in your life. It is through this soul searching that you will
become a mentor to others through this coming year. Your ability to become part of the
solution is enhanced because the parade of planets in Capricorn compliments your sign. At
Full Moon, your ruler is now direct in Capricorn and conjunct the Head of the Dragon.
Games with strategy can have appeal as can stimulating conversations around politics and
policies! Be careful you do not get in too deep! Practical and down to Earth advice will
be appreciated but it must be delivered with compassion for best results!

Your ruler, Venus, is in Capricorn conjoining the Lights at the time of the Solar Eclipse
as it is proximal to the Head of the Dragon. Love may be presenting new responsibilities
such as care of parents or additional children being born into the family. This is your
cycle to share in this responsibility with a healthy strategy. It is important for you to
keep your balance. If you need help, find it! Difficulties with local travel can spring
up out of nowhere! Give yourself extra time to get where you are going. At Full Moon,
your ruler has moved on into Aquarius and is kissing the Sun as it opposes both the Full
Risk impromptu rhetoric rather than your health or peace of mind! Forces of Light feed
your sense of justice now.

Yes, you are caught between a rock and a hard place. Does it feel as if you have been
here before? Is history repeating itself? Your planet of Process, Pluto, is in Capricorn
being approached by retrograde Mercury in that sign and in square to Saturn retrograde in
Libra. Your planet of event, Mars, is retrograde in Leo, and by wide orb, opposing Chiron
in Aquarius. DO ponder the past to more deeply understand what you have learned. Healing
is possible but only if you take it step by step. This Full Moon in Leo is conjunct
retrograde Mars in Leo and opposing the Sun and Venus in Aquarius. Through higher mind
you seek and find provocative solutions to get "unstuck". Possibilities and innovations
in technology can be critical tools in your future. Do not be afraid to progress - even
if others are doubtful!

On this Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Jupiter hangs on in the last degree of Aquarius before
it enters Pisces. This is a time to merge intellect with creative possibility. What do
you envision for your future? Who will you take on the road to your success? Jupiter
makes no major angles to planets or luminaries in this cycle. Remember that your immunity
only stays in place in solitude. Many others will struggle as you witness. At Full Moon,
your ruler has moved on into Pisces for the next year and is forming a sweet sextile to
Pluto in Capricorn. Keep the status quo just now. It is a time to go with the flow and
allow your personality out to play in new ways. Subtlety can get you big points! Listen
well and be a bit mysterious! Smile more for no reason and others will naturally seek you
out for friendship as well as opportunity.

Many Happy Solar Returns, Capricorn! This is your month! On the Solar Eclipse, your
ruler, Saturn, is retrograde in Libra and forming a dynamic square to both retrograde
Mercury and Pluto in your sign! Only open your mouth if it empowers you and you have
proof or documentation!!! Try not to watch too many tear jerkers on television or at the
movies as the unfairness of the World can really get you down. Balance with humor and
executing your sense of purpose in real time! At Full Moon, retrograde Saturn is still in
square to Pluto in Capricorn but it is forming a trine to the Aquarian Sun. Although many
of the rules that are in place can make you feel somewhat claustrophobic, new ideas keep
coming in for evaluation. Be sure to use your sense of duty and justice to work towards
positive change in the future. You are definitely not alone!

Your ruler, Uranus, is in Pisces all month and actually quite quiet! On the Solar
Eclipse, it lightens up the drama by forming a sweet sextile to the Lights, Venus and the
Head of the Dragon in Capricorn. Your sense of humor and knack for provocative thought
can quell the voices of discontent and the gloom bringers! Go for it! The Full Moon in
Leo conjoins retrograde Mars as it opposes both the Sun and Venus in your sign! Seek a
great audience for you antics and your innovative ideas and you are all set in this
cycle. Allies need not be at your elbow at all times. Some of your greatest allies are
those who taught you bits of philosophy long ago. Share it now! Your ruler, Uranus does
form a trine to the Tail of the Dragon. Wild rides can be very entertaining! Enjoy!

Your ruler, Neptune, is in Aquarius all month and very quiet! It is still cushioned
between Chiron and Jupiter in a profound conjunction of healing and prosperity. Dream
big! A desire to be there for family and extended family is seen. Be sure to be the
helper and not the martyr. At Full Moon, the conjunction is still in place but Jupiter,
the planet of good fortune and abundance has moved into your sign for a full year! Your
spiritual gifts will magnify themselves and you may become very sensitive to your
surroundings. Spend some time in solitude to regroup. Jupiter can be a great blessing but
you can also receive too much of a good thing. Beware obsessions with substances and
persons. Moderation will be the key as this year unfolds!

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